miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Mickey and Minnie

His name is Mickey. He´s eleven years old. He´s from
Spain. He lives in Calatala. He´s a student.

His town is very small. There is a cathedral opposite
the gift shop. There are seven beautiful parks. There
is a bank behind the park. The town is beautiful!!!

Mickey is tall and thin. He´s got big and black eyes.
He´s got short, black and straight hair. He´s handsome.
He´s wearing black t-shirt, red trousers, black shoes
and white gloves.

He´s nice, talkative and nervous.

He likes bananas and cheese. He does not like tomatoes or apples. He likes cheese, butHe does
not likes tomatoes. He can run and walk. He can´t swim or fly. He can run, but He can´t fly.
His favourite colour is blue. His favourite animal is dog. He´s good at playing with the dog Pluto.

Mickey has a sister. Her name is Minnie. She´s ten years old. She´s from Spain. She lives in
Calatala. She´s a student.

She´s got big and blue eyes. She´s got short, dark and straight hair. He´s pretty and young.

She´s wearing yellow shoes, pink and white dress and pink and white loop.

She likes tomatoes and cheese. She does not like apple or banana. She likes tomatoes, but She
does not like banana. She can swim and run. She can´t fly or climb. She can swim, but She
can´t climb. She´s good at presume. Her favourite colour is pink. Her favourite animal is cat.


martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Shin Chan

His name is Shin Chan.He´s five years old.He live in Saitama.He´s from Japan.He´s a student.He´s short.He´s thin.He´s got short and black hair.He´s got a big and black eyes.He´s handsome.He´s wearing a yellow trausers and a red T-shirt.He´s nervous and generous .He likes pizza. He doesn't like tomato. He can runing and drinking. He can't swim. His favourite animal is a dog. His favourite colour is red. He has cookies and milk for afternoon.

By: Carmen Losada García 5ºA.

Proboscis monkey

It´s a proboscis monkey. It´s very big. It´s brown, black, white and pink. It´s got a very big

nose, two black eyes, two pink ears, four longs legs and a long tail. It eats graves, small animals,

leaves, bananas, grapes, oranges and tomatoes. It lives in the jungle and in the forest. It can

run,jump, climb and walk. It can´t fly. It likes eating bananas.It doesn´t like walking. It good

at playing and eating.

This suit looks like Calamardo.


lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011



! My name's Antonio. I'm ten years old. I live in Africa. I'm short and fat.I've got black eyes. I like insects but I don't like pizza. My favourite food is banana. My favourite colour is red.

By: Miriam 5A


Her name is Gadget. He´s twenty three years old. He´s from Spain.
He lives in Cañada Rosal. He´s a student.

He´s tall and thin . He´s got black eyes. He´s got black hair. He´s
ugly. He´s wearing a grey hat, white t-shirt, brown shoes, grey sweater
and big legs.

He´s talkative or chatting, young, nice, ugly and handsome.

He likes pizza and tomatoes. He doesn´t like garbanzous or lentil.
He likes tomatoes, but He doesn´t like lentil. He can fly and walk.
He can´t run. He can fly , but He can´t run. Her hobby is playing
with your friends. Her favourite colour is blue. Her good playing
in the park.




Hello! My name's Manolo. I'm
four years old. I'm from Spain. I
live in Cañada rosal. I'm short and
fat. I've got black eyes. I like pizza

but I dont't like tomate.

By:Miriam 5A

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011


It's a dog. It's small. It's brown and white. It's got two brown eyes. It's got a black nouse and twoo ears. It's got a mouth. It's got four legs and a tail. It lives in the houses or the country side. It eat dog food.


My name's Ana Isabel. I'm 10 years old. I'm from Spain. I live in Cañada Rosal I like pizza but i don't like tomato.
I can play voleyball but i can't rollerblade. I have got short.
I have got long dark straight hair. I have got 2 eyes. I have got 2 ears. My favourite class is Englihs. My faourite color is red. My favourite sport is voleyball. My favourite music is Jonas. My favourite program is Disney Channel.


martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Selena Gomez

My name's Selena . I'm 18 years old. I from English. I live in Waverly place. I like pizza. I don't like tomato . I can swim but i can't play football. I have got tall. I have got long dark straight hair. I have got 2 eyes . I have got mouth. I have got nouse.
My favourite friends is Jarper. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite sport is voleyball My favourite color is red.


lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011


Hello! My name is Alicia. I'm ten years old. I live in the country of maraver. I'm thin and short. I'm nice. I've got long, fair and straight hair. I've got a small nose. My birthay is in February. My favouerite animal is parrot. My favourite colour is grey. My favourite number is one. My favourite subject is Maths. I like listening to music. I don't like riding a horse. I can swim. I can't fly.

By : Carmen Losada García 5ºA.

Hello! My name's Lola. I live in Cañada Rosal, is a small town. I'm ten yers old. My birthday is in March. My favourite colour is pink. My favourite sport is volleyball. My favourite animal is dog. I got a long fair hair, brown eyes, small mouth. I like pizza and chips but I don't like lentil or honey. I can play volleyball and play paddle but I can play football or ride a horse. I have a dog. Is small. It's got black and white spot. It's got four legs and two eyes. It likes orange but It doesn't like dog food. It can run but It can't fly.

By: Lola Cifuentes 5ºA.


Hello!! My name's Campanilla. I'm ten years old. My favourite colour is green. I got a green dress. I like rice, tomatoes and pizza but I don't like sausages ni potatoes. I can fly and run. I can't swim or climb. I love restoring old objects.

By: Lola Cifuentes 5ºA.


Hello! My name is Pinocho. I'm eight years old. I'm short and thin. I'm nice. I've got a mouth. I like singing. I don't like listening to music. I can walk. I can't fly. My favourite animal is cat. My favourite food is salad. My favourite colour is red.

By: Carmen Losad García 5ºA.

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011


Hello!! My name's Perry. I live in the house. I'm short and thin. I got a tail and four legs. I like pizza and tomatoes but I don't like jam or honey. I can run. I can't swim. I'm brave.

By: Lola Cifuentes 5ºA


Hello! My name's Manolito. I'm one years old. I live in the house. I'm short. I got spots in the body. I got a four legs. I eat carrots and apple. I can climb and run. I can't swim. I like walk.

By: Lola Cifuentes 5ºA

Sandra Detective de cuentos

Hello¡ My name is Sandra. I'm five years old. I'm thin and short. I live in TV. I've got two, blue and big eyes. I've got a small nose and a mouth. I like listening to music but I don't like playing tennis. I can ride a horse but I can't fly. I'm wearing a blue and long jacket. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite number is ten. My favourite sport is play football. My favourite hobby is ice-skating. I've got a pet. His name is Fo. It likes listening to music and playing football.
BY: Carmen Losada García 5ºA.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Rollie Polie Oli

Hello! His name is Rolie Polie Oli. He´s ten

years old. He´s fromed Spain. She live in Cañada

Roasl. He´s a student.

He´short and thin. He´s got one hair. He´s

got two big eyes. He´s ugly. He´s wearing

brown trousers and brown shoes.

He´s nice, talkative, nervous, ugly and young.

He likes tomatoes and bananas. He doesn´t like cola or potatoes. He likes bananas, but He

doesn´t like potatoes. He can run and walk. He can´t swim and fly. He can run, but He can´t

fly. His favourite colour is a blue. His favourite animal is a dog. He´s hobby is playing in the

park. He´s got a dog. It´s short and fat. It´s brown and black. It´s got four legs, two ears,

two eyes, one tongue, a nouse and a tail. It eats fish and tune. It lives in the house of Rolie

Polie Oli´s. It likes plating with Rolie Polie Oli.





Hello!My name´s Heidi.I´m eight years
old.I live in Japón.
I´m short and thin.I´ve got short hair and brown eyes.I´ve got a red,yellow, pink drees and brown boots.
I love's a dog.


hello¡¡¡ My name is Leonor. I`m 6 yearls old. I' ve got fair hair . I' ve got blue dress and white tedi ber. I like toys, listening to music and ice- skating.

María Luna 5ºA
Color del texto

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011


My name's Piolin. I'm 3 years old. I'm from spain. I live in Cañada Rosal . I have got 2 eyes. I have got 2 wings with many seathers of diference colors. I have got 2 legs.
I yellow and blue I have got peak. I like said hello bye good night and some wonds I like eat pipes. My favourite color is yellow too like is out terrace my hauses


martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

My sister

Hello!! She´s name is Ana Belen. She´s twenty
three years old. She´s from Spain. She lives in Cañada Rosal. She´s a student.

She´s tall and thin. She´s got brown and big eyes.
She´s got brown and long hair.She´s wearing
pink t-shirt, blue trousers and brown shoes.

She´s nice, talkative and young.

She likes banana and ice cream. She doesn´t like
tomato and salad. She can swim and jump. She can´t fly. She´s favourite colour is blue. She´s favourite animal is dog.



lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


Hello! My name is Pocoyo. I'm two years old. I'm short. I've got a small norse. I've got two and small hands.
I live in TV. I like singing and playing. I don't like listening to music or riding a horse. I can play tennis and play basketball. I can't fly or play computer games. I love mys friends. I eat meat, fruit, fish, and vegetables. My favourite aniomal is my friend Pato. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite number is three. My favourite sport is play volleyball. My favourite food is sausages. My favourite hobby is going to the cinema. I hate lentils.

By: Carmen Losada García 5ºA.

To learn

Days of week- Días de la semana. Month- Meses

Monday- Lunes January- Enero

Tuesday-Martes February- Febrero

Wednesday- Miércoles March- Marzo

Thursday- Jueves April- Abril

Friday- Viernes May- Mayo

Saturday- Sábado June - Junio

Sunday- Domingo July- Julio

August- Agosto

September- Septiembre

October- Octubre

November- Noviembre

December- Diciembre


A/ei/ B/bi/ C/si/ D/di/ E/i/ F/ef/ G/yi:/ H/eich/

I/ai/ J/yei/ L/el/ M/em/ N/en/ O/ou/ P/pi/ Q/quiu/

R/ar/ S/es/ T/ti/ U/iu/ V/vi/ W/dablju/ X/eks/ Y/guay/



Affirmative- Afirmativa

I am-yo soy/ estoy

You are- tú eres/ estás

He is- el es/ está

She is- ella es /está

It is- ello es / está

We are-nosotros somos/ estamos

You are- Vosotros sois- estáis

They are- ellos son/están


Fruit- fruta Drinks- bebidas

Apple- pero Water- agua

Bananas- plátanos Cola -coca cola

Grapes- uvas Milk-leche

Oranges- naranjas Juice-zumo

Pears- peras

Peaches-melocotones Potatoes-patatas


Peas- quisantes



T-shirt- camiseta








Short-pantalones cortos

Dress- vestido


Pinneaple- piña



Seven eggs

125 grams of flour


By Carmen Pérez Comiche


Hello! My name´s Minnie. I´m 93 years old.
I live in Disney.

I´m tall and thin. I´ve got black eyes. I´ve got a yellow dress, pink shoes a pink tie.
I´m a mouse.

I like playing with Mike mouse.
I don´t like pizza.

My favourite animal is cat.

By: Ana Molina Doblas.5b

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

Bob Esponja.

Hello! My name´s Bob Esponja. I´m 23 years old. I live in pineapple on the sea.. I´m a student.
I´m short and thin. I´ve got yellow hair. I´ve got blue eyes.I´m got brown trousers and white

I like pizza and banana. I don´t like tomato or salad. I like banana, b.
ut I don´t like salad

I can run and jump. I can´t fly . My favourite colour are blue and pink. My favourite animal is
snail called Gary.



Hello! My name is Noddy. I¡m four years old. I live in Pais de los juguetes. I've got two and small eyes. I've got a mouht. I like tomato and salad. I don't like cola or apple. I love fruit. My favourite animal is a cat the my friend. My favoutite colours are red and yellow. My favourite number is eight. My favourite sport is ride a bike. I can walk. I can't fly.
By: Carmen Losada 5ºA.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011


My name's Luna. I live in Cañada Rosal. I from Spain. I'm 6 years old. I like meat too like walking. I have got is 4 legs I have got is 2 eyes . I have got is tail. I have got 2 ears

Ana Isabel 5ºA

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011


Interview with Shakira.

1. What´s your name?

My name is Shakira.

2.How old are you?

I´m twenty years ald.

3.Where do you live?

I live in Miami.

4. Where do you from?

I´m from Colombia.

5. That you do?

I´m singer.

6. And do you like dancing?

Not much.

7. Have children?

No I haven´t.

8. What food do you like?

I like pizza, salad, milk, chocolate, water...

9. How many song you sing?

Ten songs.

10. You liked the interview?

Yes I do.





Four eggs

125 grams of flour








Eventually beats all and to eat...


lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011


This story is about a girl named Orlindiania. She´s eleven years old. She´s tall and thin. She´s
got long, dark, straight hair and blue eyes. She´s got small glasses. She´s very nervous. She likes
playing, climbing and dancing.

One day decided to go to a toy factory.I travel to a toy factory. Was with toys all day, until is closed.But closed and she was there. At night it was very dark. And realized that when not looking
the toys are moved. The girl was scared and run, but I could not leave. Morning came and girl not return to be more ambitious.



domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011


Hello!! My name is Emma. I´m ten years old. I´m from Spain. I live in Cañada Rosal. I´m a student.

I´m tall and thin. I´ve got fait hair. I´ve got brown eyes. I´m wearing a
green, orange, blue and pink dress.

I´m nervous, talkative and nice.

I like tomatoes and bananas. I doesn´t like garbanzoes and salad.
I like tomatoes, but I doesn´t like
garbanzoes. I can jump and swim. I can´t fly. I can run, but I can´t fly.
I´m good playing tennis. My favourite
sport is tennis. My favourite animal is
dog. My hobby is playing in the park.


viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011


Hello! She´s name is Ana. She´s twenty years old. She´s from Spain. She lives in Alamodovar castle. She´s a student.
She´s tall and thin. She´s got green eyes. She´s got fair and long hair. She´s pretty.
She´s wearing a pink dress.
She´s nice, nervous...
She likes pizza and tomato. She don´t like
garbanzoes or limon. She likes pizza, but She doesn´t like tomatoes. She can climb and run. She can´t fly or swim. She can climb, but She can´t fly. She´s favourite animal is dog. She´s favourite sport is tennis. She´s good at climbing. She´s hobby is playing in the castle.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Hello! I´m Laura. I´m 11 years old. I live in Cañada Rosal (sevilla). I like pizza anda salad.I don´t like bacon and tomato.

My town

My town is small. There is swimming pool next to hauses.
There is a church. There are banks. There are restaurants.
Therecis school. There are hauses . There hauses next to a restaurant . There is a church in front of square . The school turn left the sport centre.

Is'name Jose maria.
I'm eleven years old.
I'm from Sevilla.
I live Cañada Rosal.
I'm playing footbal.
I'm short.
I'm thin.
Is green eyes.
Ilike playing footbal

jose maria 6·A

Nazuma eleven

My name's Mar.
I'm eleven years old.
I'm from Sevilla.
I live in Cañada Rosal.
I' ma playing footbal.
is schort and thin.
i've got blue eyes.

the linces

They´re linces.They´re small.They´re oreng .They´ve got four legs an small tail.Their tail is 13 centrimetres long.They eat meat.They like play.They live in Spain they´re in danger of extinction.They´re peaceful an nice. I love them very much¡¡

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011


It´s a rabbit. It´s small. It´s white. It´s got long ears. It´s got a moustache. It eats grass. It lives in the farm. It can jump but It can´t fly. It likes carrots but It doesn´t like fodder.

By: María Fílter 5ºA
Hello, my name is Claudia and I will describe my dog. My dog is black, race Yorsay, and is called Spark, has 5 years for dogs is more edad.Le necanta play ball and caresses it. He likes toys that small, but we have to buy toys that my dog does not ronpa in less than 1 day. He loves to ride on the field and that this fate.

My school

This is my school.My school name is CEIP Andalucia.It's in the town Cañada Rosal.
Have got much children.It's next to the
sports centre.Have got dining and garden.
¡My favourite subjet is P.E!My school is
very beautiful.

alberto 5b

Story/ Cheeky ducks!

This story is about black swan. He´s long thin, and long

. He is very sad . He meets a white swan at the nature.

It´s does not want anyone because ha is black and very ugly.

In nature there were many kinds of animals, but did not see

any that were just like him. Have long been looking for that

kind of animal was until one day I found a swan like me.

I talked to him until he told me we were not swans it we were

magpies and that only came to that place by the cold.

At last the magpie was their kind and had many children.



The cat monkey

It´s a cat. It´s small and short. It´s got short and brown hair.

It´s got four legs, two ears, two eyes, twenty nails, four

hands, one tongue and a nouse. It´s eats fihs, tomatoes,

prawns, sardine and squid. It livesin the houses, farms,

towns... It can jump , run and climb. It can´t fly or

swim. It likes swinging on ropes.



martes, 1 de marzo de 2011


Hello! My name is Sunny. I live in David´s house. I´m nine months old. I have two big eyes and a mouth. I´m yellow and white. My favourite colour is yellow. There aren´t plants in my aquarium. I´m short and thin. My best friend is Tuck. I have wings.

By David Comiche 5B