martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Entrevista a la maestra Ana


What's your name? My name is Ana.

What's your surname?My surname is Garcia Sandoval.

How old are you?I'm 33 years old.

How are you?I fine thanks.

Where are you from?I´m from in Cordoba.

Where do you live?I live in Cordoba.

What time do you get up?At seven o'clock.

What do you do? I´m teacher.

What do you like doing in your free time?I like in my free time lisinig to music and reading a book.

Do you like pizza? Yes, I do.

Have you got children?I haven't children.

How many hours a day do you wach TV? I wach TV two hours.

What´s your favourite football team? My favourite football team is Barcelona.

Do you want to have a baby? Yes, I do.

Are you married or single? I'm single.

Do you like Cañada? Yes, I do.

Why? People are very nice.

What´s your favourite country? My favorite country is U.E

What´s your favourite TV programe? My favorite TV programe is Gray's Anatony.

Do you like reading?Yes, I do

What kind of books do you like reading?I like reading is “citas con la muerte.”
What are you going to do this summer?I like going to go to the beach.

What did you going to do this summer?I going to go to the Italy

Have you got a pet?No, I haven't.

What do you in the evenings?

What´s your favourite singer?My favorite singe is “Manuel Cañas.”

What´s your favourite flim?My favorite flim is “La vida es vella.”

Do you like sausages?Yes, I do.

Do you smoke?No, I don't.

What´s do you favourite animals?My favorite animal is rabbit.

What your favourite color?My favorite color is green.

What your favourite listening to music?My favorite lisinig to music is “Una foto en blanco y negro”.

Do you like sport?Yes, I do.

What do you play?I do play tennis and volleyball.

Where do you practise?I´m the gym

What your best friend's name?My friend's name is Beat

Have you got brother or sisters?Yes, one sister.

Have yo got a pet?No, haven't.

What do you do at weekends?I do at weekends is go to the cinema.

Di you what television last night?No, I didn't.

Are there any apples?No, there aren't.

What's your telephone number?My telephone number is 651 558 742.

How often do you go to the cinema?With many frequency.

1 comentario:

  1. Muy bien, la entrevista está muy bien, aunque con algunos fallitos en las preguntas y en las respuestas...

    Very good!!

    Your teacher,


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