martes, 12 de junio de 2012


My name is Marta. Mi surname is Duvisón Rodríguez.
I live in Cañada Rosal. I'm from Spain .

I'm thin and tall. I've got long and brown hair.
I've got big and brown eyes.I've got blue T-shir and
 green trousers.

My favorite animal is dog. My favorite color are
blue and pink. My favorite sport is play football.

By:Marta Duvisón Rodríguez.


Yesterday, I visited a nature reserve in the Scottish mountains with my friend.
It was fantastic! We watched some deer running through the trees. We saw some cows in the fields. In afternoon we went birdwatching. We saz some eagles flying over the mountains. Then I discoverd a baby eagle in danger it had a broken wing. We went to the animal hospital with the little eagle, they helped him. I wrote a letter fo the hospitar to say thank you.

(By: Laura Cala Romero. 6ºB)

Entrevista a la maestra Ana


What's your name? My name is Ana.

What's your surname?My surname is Garcia Sandoval.

How old are you?I'm 33 years old.

How are you?I fine thanks.

Where are you from?I´m from in Cordoba.

Where do you live?I live in Cordoba.

What time do you get up?At seven o'clock.

What do you do? I´m teacher.

What do you like doing in your free time?I like in my free time lisinig to music and reading a book.

Do you like pizza? Yes, I do.

Have you got children?I haven't children.

How many hours a day do you wach TV? I wach TV two hours.

What´s your favourite football team? My favourite football team is Barcelona.

Do you want to have a baby? Yes, I do.

Are you married or single? I'm single.

Do you like Cañada? Yes, I do.

Why? People are very nice.

What´s your favourite country? My favorite country is U.E

What´s your favourite TV programe? My favorite TV programe is Gray's Anatony.

Do you like reading?Yes, I do

What kind of books do you like reading?I like reading is “citas con la muerte.”
What are you going to do this summer?I like going to go to the beach.

What did you going to do this summer?I going to go to the Italy

Have you got a pet?No, I haven't.

What do you in the evenings?

What´s your favourite singer?My favorite singe is “Manuel Cañas.”

What´s your favourite flim?My favorite flim is “La vida es vella.”

Do you like sausages?Yes, I do.

Do you smoke?No, I don't.

What´s do you favourite animals?My favorite animal is rabbit.

What your favourite color?My favorite color is green.

What your favourite listening to music?My favorite lisinig to music is “Una foto en blanco y negro”.

Do you like sport?Yes, I do.

What do you play?I do play tennis and volleyball.

Where do you practise?I´m the gym

What your best friend's name?My friend's name is Beat

Have you got brother or sisters?Yes, one sister.

Have yo got a pet?No, haven't.

What do you do at weekends?I do at weekends is go to the cinema.

Di you what television last night?No, I didn't.

Are there any apples?No, there aren't.

What's your telephone number?My telephone number is 651 558 742.

How often do you go to the cinema?With many frequency.


London is the capital city of the UK.
I'ts smaller than New York, but it's bigger than many European cities.
There lots of faumos sights to see, for example, the London Eye, the
Buckingham Palace.

(By: Laura Cala Romero. 6ºB)

lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

Entrevista a Pilar. 6ºB

Francisco: What's your name?

Pilar: My name's is Pilar Muñoz Luna.

José: How old are you?

Pilar: I'm 49 years old.

Francisco: How are you?

Pilar: I'm fine, thanks.

José: Where do you live?

Pilar: I live in Córdoba.

Francisco: What do you do?

Pilar: I'm a teacher.

Laura: What do you like doing in you free time?

Pilar: I like read.

Francisco: Do you like sport?

Pilar: Yes, I like.

Claudia: What do you play?

Pilar: I do hiking.

José: When do you practise?

Pilar: I practise in the weekends.

Francisco: Yes, I do, but I don't like.

José: Have you got a pet?

Pilar: Yes, I have a dog.

(Preguntas escritas y realizadas por Laura Cala Romero. 6ºB)

Laura: Have you got brothers or sisters? How many?

Pilar: I have a brother.

Laura: What's your favorite TV programme?

Pilar:Mi favorite program is C.S.I

Claudia: Do you like reading?

Pilar: Yes, I like

José:Do you like listening to music?

Pilar: Yes, I like.

José: What's your favorite singer?

Pilar: My favorite singer is Fredy Mercudy

Francisco: What's your favourite football team?

Pilar: I don't like football

José: Are you married or single?

Pilar: I'm married

Laura: What does your husband do?

Pilar: My husband de cirugeme

José: Yes, I have two chilbren.

(Preguntas realizadas y escritas por Claudia Gómez Mínguez)

Francisco: How old are they?

Pilar: They're Marina=17 Pilar=16

Claudia: Do you like travelling?

Pilar: Yes, I like

Claudia: Whet's your favourite city?

Pilar: My favourite citys are Granada and Cordoba

Laura: What's your best friend's name?

Pilar: Julia.

Francisco: Do you like Cañada Rosal? Why?

Pilar: Yes, becose I like the people of Cañada

Claudia: What's your favourite film?

Pilar: The queen of Africa.

Claudia: Do you like children ?

Pilar: Yes, I like

Francisco: Do you like your job? Why?

Pilar: Yes I like, becose, I like children

Jose: What time do you go to bed?

Pilar: I go to bed at twelve o'clock

Laura: What do you do in the evenings?

Pilar: I sleep

Jose: What do you do at weekends?

Pilar: I do hiking, I travelling.

(Preguntas echas y realizadas por José Fílter Cifuentes).

Laura: What are you going to do this summer?

Pilar: I travelling a Menorca.

José: What did you do last summer?

Pilar: I went a crucero.

Claudia: Do you like this school?

Pilar: Yes, I like.

Laura: Do you want to finish this year? Why?

Pilar: Yes, because... I'm lazy!

José: Who hep in your house?

Pilar: Nothing.

Claudia: Do you like salad?

Pilar: Yes, I like.

Francisco: Do you want to go to the beach?

Pilar: Yes, I want.

(Preguntas escritas y realizadas por Francisco Javier Lopez Escamilla. [Mati 13]).

viernes, 8 de junio de 2012


Catalín: What´s your name? My name is Lidia.

Rocío: What´s your surname? My surnames are Chambra González.

Ainhoa: How old are you? I´m in my thirties.

David: What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven.

Catalín: Do you like animals? No, I don´t.

Rocío: What´s your favourite singer? My favourite singer is Roxette.

Ainhoa: Do you like travelling? Yes, I do. I love to travel.

David: What do you like doing in your free time? I like going to the cinema and reading books and English magazines.

Catalín: What´s your favourite country? I like lots of countries. For example, Germany, England, France, Russia...

Ainhoa: What´s your job? I´m an English teacher.

David: Have you got a boyfriend? Yes, I have.

Rocío: What´s his name? His name is Manuel.

Catalín: Do you want to have a baby? I´m not sure.

Ainhoa: What´s your favourite film? I like lots of films. For example, Los puentes de Madison.

David: What are you going to do this summer? I´m going to go to the beach in June, and I´m going to go to Russia in July.

Rocío: What´s your favourite TV programme? Spanish people around the world.

Ainhoa: Do you like reading? Yes, I do.

David: What kind of books do you like reading? I like reading books about history and love stories.

Catalín: What´s your best friend´s name? Anabel.

Rocío: What´s your favourite food? I like salad and pasta.

Ainhoa: Do you like Cañada? Yes, I do.

Rocío: Why? Because it´s a quiet town.

Catalín: Do you smoke? No, I don´t.

Rocío: When´s your birthday? My birthday is the 20th of March.

Ainhoa: Do you like sport? Not much.

David: Can you play tennis? No, I can´t.

Catalín: Do you like English? Yes, I love it.

Rocío: Do you like this school? Yes, I do.

Ainhoa: What´s your favourite song? My favourite song is music.

David: Do you want to travel to London? Yes, I traveled to London six years ago. I loved it!

Catalín: What do you do every day? I get up, have breakfast, get dressed, go to work. After, I go home.

David: How many hours a day do you watch TV? I have not time to watch TV. Sometimes I watch the news.

Ainhoa: Have you got a brother? No, I haven´t.

David: Have you got a sister? No, I haven´t.

Catalín: What´s your mother´s name? My mother´s name is Pepi.

Rocío: What´s your father's name? My father´s name is Juan Antonio.

Ainhoa: Have you got a pet? No, I haven´t.

David: Do you like listening to music? Yes, I do.

Catalín: Do you like shopping? Yes, I do.

Rocío: Do you like going to the cinema? Yes, I love it.

Entrevista a la maestra Inma

What´s your name? My name is Inma

What´s your surname? My surname is Ruiz,Ruiz

How old are you? I´m 32 years old

How are you? I´m fine

Where do you live? I live in La Luisiana

What time do you get up? I´m get up at seven O´clock

What do you have for breakfast? I have milk and toast

What do you do? I´m a teacher

What´s your favourite subject?My favourite subject is Matemáticas

What do you like doing in your free time? I´m my free time I like read and play with my baby

Do you like smoking? No,I don´t

Do you like swimming? Yes,I do.

Have you got a pet? No,I haven

Have you got brothers or sister?I have a brother

How many?I´m 1 brother

What´s your favourite TV programe? My favourite TV programe is number 1

Do you like reading?Yes,I do

What are you going to do this summer?I´m going to travel in the beach

What do you do at weekends? I´m going a birthday

Do you like Cañada? Why? Yes,I do because it is very beautiful

What´s your job? I´m teacher in the school

What´s your favourite food? My favourite food is Salmorejo

Do you like football? Yes,I do

What´s your favourite animal? My favourite animal is dog

Do you like listening to music? Yes,I do

What´s your favourite singer? My favourite singer is Manuel Carrasco

Have you got children? Yes,I have.

How many? I have one

Do you want to have a baby? Yes,I have

Do you like going to the cinema? Yes,I do

What did you do last summer? I went to Mallorca

What´s your favourite film? My  favourite film is La Vida es Vella

What time do you go to bed? At 12 O´clock

What´s your favourite football team? My favourite football team is Betis

Are you married or single? I´m married

What´s your best friend´s name? My best friend´s name is Mariló

What do you do in the evenings? I´m sleep

What´s your favourite city? My favourite city is Seville

What does your husband do? My husband name is Francisco

Do you like travelling? Yes,I do

Where you parents live? My parents live in La Luisiana

What´s your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is melon

Do you like tomatoes? Yes,I do

Do you like babies? Yes,I do

By; Ana Molina Doblas, Claudia Franco Rojas, Antonio Campuzano Martínez and Jerónimo Romero Martín.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012


Iker Casillas play in the selection Spain.Casillas is a best.Is a captain to the selection.Casillas is got a brow air,brow eyes,tall and thin.He play football.

iker casillas

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Bob Esponja

Bob Esponja was 20 years old. He lived in Fondo de Bikini. He was short and fat .He had big and blue eyes. He had white shirt, brown trousers, white socks and black shoes. He liked hamburger. He didn't like sousages. His favorite color was blue. His favorite foot was hamburger. His favorite amimal was dolphin. His was very famous!He was fantastic!  He friend's name Patricio. He was shoter and fat. He had big and black eyes. He had green trousers. He liked pizza. He didn't like lentil. His favorite animal was dog. His favorite color was pink.
He fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By:Marta Duvisón Rodríguez, 6ºB

Es tarea del puente.

Last week

Last week I went to a museum. It was very big. We saw many things. Then we went to eat at a restaurant. I ate rice and drank  glass of water. My mother ate macaroni but not you liked. Later we went to a zoo, where we saw many animals, zebras, giraffes, Lions, tigers...
I want to go again!

Tarea del puente.
By: Laura Cala Romero. 6ºB

Mickey Mouse

He was born in 1928. He lived in Disneyland. He became very famous. He was short and thin. He had short, dark, straight hair. He had small, black eyes. He had red trousers and yellow shoes. He had a big mouth and a black nose. He had big ears. He had white gloves. He had a tail. He had short legs. He didn't have a moustache. He was brave, intelligent and nice. He liked the cakes. He loved Minnie. The Mickey's pet is called Pluto.

By David Comiche. 6B.

Tarea del puente.

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Peter Pan

Peter Pan was 13 years old. He lived in Nunca Jamás. He was short and thin. He had short, brown and straight hair. He had big and green eyes. He had a green T-shirt, green trousers, brown shoes and green hat. He liked to  fly.
He didn´t like the captain Garfio. He loved Wendy. He favourite numbers were seven and ten. Peter Pan was fantastic!

By: Ana Molina and Rocío Martín. 6ºB

Es la tarea del puente.

viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

Javier Ibarra (kase' o)

Javier Ibarra was very famous. He was job RAP. He had long, black hair and beard. He had brown eyes. He was very intelligent and brave. 
            THE END!

martes, 24 de abril de 2012


Last summer I went to Wales with my friends. We visited Millennium Stadium and Conwy Castle. I wrote lots of postcards to my family. My friend Anthony wrote a postcard to his family. We went a restaurant at eight o'clock. We ate meatballs and drank juice. It was fantastic!!

By David Comiche 6B.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Michael Jackson

Michael Jack son was 35 years old. He lived in Los Angeles. He was from California. He was tall and thin. He had long, black and curly hair. He had big and brown eyes. He had a black jacket, black trousers and one white glove. He liked to dance and sing. He didn't like animals. His favourite color  was black. He died in 2009.

By:Ana and Marta, 6ºB.

Antonio Puerta the best football player

He name was Antonio Puerta.Antonio Puerta was the best football player. He was brown eyes, straight hair and thin Antonio Puerta was very famous. He played in team was football Seville. He from Spain. He lived Seville.

By: Jose Filter Cifuentes and Antonio Campuzano Martinez.

Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston was a famous singer. She was from the USA. She lived in Los Angeles. She was 49 years old. She was tall and thin. She was very beautiful, too. She had long, brown and wavy hair. She had small, brown eyes. She didn't have a beard. She wasn't strong. She liked to travel. Her mother's name is Cissy. Her sister's name is Alexis. She died in 2012.

By David Comiche 6B.

Whitney Houston

My favourite singer was Whitney Houston. She was a very famous singer. She had short and brown hair , and small black eyes. She was tall and very thin, she was beautiful and young. She invented lots of famous songs. She had 1 brother and sister. She lived in the U.S.A. I love her!

Blancanieves was a princess. She was also beautiful and intelligent. She was tall and thin. She had long, brown hair and brown eyes. Her friend was Cenicienta. She was tall and thin. She had long, black hair and brown eyes. Blancanieves had a dog. His name was Nico. They visited  Bella.
By: María Luna y María Escribano.

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012


They´re giraffes. They´re tall. They´re 3 metres tall. They´re browm and yellow. They´ve got four legs and long neck.They eat grass and leaves. They live in zoo. They can running. They like  eating.

By: Ana Molina Doblas.


They're dog .They're small and fat. They're brown .They've got four legs and one neck.
They've two ears and two eyes. They've one tongue and one head.They're very lost of teeth.
They eat meat. They live in my house.They can run and jump. They like play.


tower of london

The tower of london is fantastic.It´s very taller and is white and blue.

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

His name is Shinichi Kudo. He's 17 years old. He 's from Japan.

He's tall and thin. He's detective. He's got short and dark hair.
He's got big and blue eyes. He's got blue jacket, white shirt,
blue troursers and brown shoes.

He likes to investigate and playing football. He's favourite subject
is P.F.
He's favourite animal is dog.

The rabbit

It´s a rabbit. It´s small.It´s 20 centimetres tall and 35 centrimetres long. It´s brown, white and black. It´s got long ears. It´s got a moustache. It eats grass. It lives in the farm and the  forest. It can jump and run. It likes eats. It´s loves carrots.

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012


It´s a Luna. It´s small.Itś grey. Itś got spot, tail,legs,neck,ears and head. It eats sausages and milk. It lives in the house. It can run and junp. It likes breand and milk. I loves me.