His name is Waldo Schaeffer. He´s 52 years old. He´s from France. He lives in Las Torres del Hierro. He´s a great scientist. He was a teacher.
He´s tall and thin, but it´s shorter than my friend Manuel. He´s got glasses. He´s got short and grey hair. He´s got a beard. In this picture, he has got a red coat and a white jacket.
He´s favourite colour are blue and red. He´s favourite animal is dog. He likes reading. He wants to destroy the Green Phoenix. He doesn´t want to destroy the supercomputer.
Como no sabía cómo se escribía destruir lo miré en el diccionario y me ponía defeat. Está así bien?
ResponderEliminarMuy bien David, has escrito un texto muy completo. Te animo a que sigas escribiendo y aplicando todo aquello que vayas aprendiendo. Ten cuidado al poner SU. Recuerda HIS = su para masculino /// HER = su para femenino.
ResponderEliminarPara destruir utiliza mejor destroy.
Your teacher,
Its very goooooooooooodd :D